Holistic Health Online Podcast

21st Century Medicine: Spagyrics - Anticancer, Antiviral and Spike Protein Repellent Made in Morocco

Val Episode 8


 A spagyric remedy is an alchemical preparation of plants that separates the three elements, or categories, that make up the plant according to plant alchemy verbiage. The sulfur, which is considered the soul of the plant, the mercury considered the spirit, and the salt or the body. In ancient texts, the word spagyric actually means to separate and recombine. And in my work, this translates to plant alchemy. Minerals can be spagyrically crafted as well, and there are herbalists that make animal spagyrics, too. But I think that's kind of rare, and I don't know much about it. Even though I live in the desert I'm not motivated to catch scorpions for the work I do, no matter how good their venom may be. 

Now, I understand that alchemy has gotten a bad rap in the media in the past century or so but let's take a step back and try to go to the root of the method. What I'm actually doing when I practice plant alchemy is I'm extracting the medicinal elements, purifying them and putting them back together which results in a highly concentrated medicine. But maybe concentrated isn't the right word because all the original ingredients are there, plus the additional alcohol. But they do create a more potent medicine than a conventional tincture. This is because they are almost instantly absorbed into the cells of the body, and this is because the constituents of the herbs are almost identical to the constituents of the cells in chemical composition and electrical charge...