Holistic Health Online Podcast

Brief Scientific Explanations: How Hydrogen Therapy Heals The Body - 9 Conditions Featured

Val Episode 13

in this episode, I'd like to share with you a series that I did with Tivon Rivers from Fix the World on how drinking hydrogen water and inhaling the gas works on nine common health conditions. The original production took place in October of 2020 at the beautiful Weedan Hotes de Ferme in Marrakesh, Morocco.


VAL: In the adult body Stem cells are used for repair and that's where wound healing comes in, because the stem cells, anywhere that you have a wound, whether it's on the surface of the skin or in the body, anywhere there is a wound. Stem cells are involved in healing that wound. 

VAL: You want more stem cells. You want to keep regenerating your stem cells. And that's what hydrogen does.

 VAL: One of the most remarkable features of stem cells is their ability to survey a wound and communicate with other cells and systems the extent of the damage. Then the stem cells release specific chemicals called signaling molecules. And here again, we have the cell signaling mechanism of the body for what is needed at the site of healing. Put that same stem cell into another area and it will activate different cell signaling chemicals or signaling molecules. So you can think of stem cells as going to a drugstore. If you have a cough, you might buy cough medicine. If you have a headache, you might buy headache medicine. If you have a stem cell and you have a cut it's going to tell the body to make certain chemicals that's going to heal the cut. Or if you have a bruise on an organ, it's going to signal different molecules to go and heal that. It's like a drugstore. It is really a magnificent thing. 

VAL: If you're not getting enough hydrogen, the body starts to shut down as a way of to preserve energy and life. And as your hydrogen levels start to increase, everything starts to regenerate, including your stem cells.

 TIVON: I see. So it's truly at the cellular level when you're inhaling the hydrogen gas or if you're drinking the hydrogenated water, it gives your body the hydrogen and energy it needs to regenerate your stem cells.

 VAL: Yes. And this process may take several weeks, several months. But the important thing is to be using the hydrogen for a period of time. And now there are thousands of studies. The experimentation has been going on for at least two decades now and starting to come out. And more and more people are getting this information. 

TIVON: Well, and it's also the treatment. Hydrogen treatment has become more and more common place as well, at least half the planet seems to be using it. 

VAL: So, remember, hydrogen is the building block of life.